Thursday 2 September 2010

What a sunny day

Today was way to nice to spend indoors.

Its not often that you get a really good day here, so we went on a nature walk.

We found a huge jellyfish, some really tiny brittle starfish and loads of other things. The outdoor excerise was great and we came home smiling a couple of hours later.

We got loads of sunshine which is really necessary, especially before a long winter.

Its all about Vitamin D and something called serotonin.

Vitamin D is made by our bodies through the action of the sun's rays on our skin.

We get nearly all of our vitamin D from the sun. It is essential for absorbing calcium, keeping our bones healthy, and for protecting against serious chronic diseases later in life eg. osteoporosis, Type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis etc.

You get some Vitamin D from your diet - oily fish, (salmon/ tuna) margarine, milk, eggs and fortified breakfast cereals.

Sunshine cheers you up as it boosts levels of serotonin - the body's natural "happiness"hormone. That's why we tend to feel happier and more energetic when the sun shines. Regular sun combined with outdoot exercise is great for stopping you feel down. It's actually been shown that exercising outdoors creates more endorphins in the body than exercising indoors.


Have a look at this article to see more reasons why being out in the sunshine is good for you.

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