Friday 3 September 2010

pH testing

The litmus paper arrived. Its not true litmus paper that only turns 2 colours on acid and alkali, but more of a universal indicator that has a fuller range of colours.

We were all so excited that we all tested loads of things in the house.


Even my little sister had a go a few times so she is now a pH expert :)

The results did not include any extremes on either side of the pH scale which was disappointing colour wise but my mom explained that that is a good thing as it means we don't have any dangerous items in the house.

Surprising was that the water from the tap tested acidic as did the milk from the bottle.

I also read up on an article that an acidic environment' is not good for our bodies and can cause health problems. People who eat too much acidic food are more likely to suffer from certain ailments etc. It was interesting.

I really enjoyed this science topic and still have loads of litmus test papers left over as they sent us 3 little 'books' of them. I am keeping them with my microscope set for a rainy day.

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