Monday 6 September 2010

Stumbling blocks for creative writing

Some people have trouble that they cant think of something to write about. They just go blank.

I don't have that problem. I have loads of exciting stories in my head but need to work on how to put them down on paper.

Getting started is the main thing and the right exciting opening to the story is a good way to start.

Once you start it just flows out your heart and onto the page.

We looked at the openings in the last post, so find a topic and jot down the main parts of the story (setting, where, what, how who, the plot and character and the ending) and your are ready to start.

Also decide how long your creative writing is going to be or you could be busy for weeks, or even years.

For people who struggle to write, they need a target like 200 words to make sure they write enough.

I have an idea for a story and I am going to work on it together with my family and I'll let you know how it goes.

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