Tuesday 9 November 2010

English - Creative Writing

Today we decided to do some creative writing. 

I am busy reading a really cool book and my assignment today was to create a sideplot to the story.  A sideplot is something that did not really happen in the book but uses the same characters and creates a new short story. 

Its quite nice to do as you already ahve the whole story in your imagination and jsut have to add on to it.

The first thing was to plan the sideplot.

I needed an introduction, then a begenning, middle and ending.  It needed to be about 200 words long and thats about a page or two depending on how big you write.

I did my bit and then we changed the names and a couple of things and worked together to make it more interesting.  We decided that we quite liked my little side plot and its getting quite long already.  Who knows what will happen next.

This is what I came up with:

Introduction: …, … friend that was his next door neighbour was sleeping over and since it was hailing outside they decided to explore … attic. They had met quite by accident 2 weeks ago when … moved into town. … could levitate and … could hear peoples thoughts if they were in photos. It was great having someone to talk to that was also magically talented. Before … had moved into town … had felt so alone.

When … got home that night he and … found an old photo of his dad and a man that looked familiar. Suddenly he found himself drawn into the photo.

Stop it! Said the familiar man in the photo.

Never said his father.

Anyway have you hid the … said the familiar man.

Yes I hid it in the wall behind my sons bed.

Just then … heard … call him. As soon as he managed to pull him self out he told .. we have to go somewhere.

… ran to tell his uncle.

And I think that is what those intruders were looking for finished ...

Well no time to waste. Lets go look said …

When they arrived at ... old house they rushed up to … old room. … found a huge hammer and started to make a hole in the wall.

Soon they found an ancient looking box.

Oh and where is the key groaned …

I might have it said … as he produced a key form his picket.

… fitted it into the lock and it….worked. Well!

Next I will post the story as it is at the moment.  We put in names and filled in the gaps and made a couple of changes.

Jake Crow

1 comment:

  1. This is really a good story. I cant write that well. You have a good imaginachin.
