Thursday, 21 April 2011

Schoolers vs Home Schoolers - other people's uninformed attitudes to homeschooling

I find that attitudes differ when it comes to homeschooling. 

There are quite a few kids who visit us and see what fun stuff we do and how much I learn at home.  They keep bugging their parents that they want to home schooled too.

Other people are not very understanding when it comes to homeschoolers.  They don't realise how much we learn at all .  They don't understant that we enjoy learning and that we keep different hours to them.  I can start school at 11am but I might end later and otherdays I might start really early and finish early and if I work very hard for a few day I might take some time off.  I can finish tons of work in a few days and thats more than they do in a whole term!

Its good being flexible because not everyone wants to learn between 9-3 everyday - boring!  If you are forced to do school work in a boring way then you dont learn properly.  Having variety and learning at your own pace is good. Sometimes you learn way faster and sometimes you have a bit of extra time to go over things that you need to.

We fit in tons of stuff thats not included in other kids school learning and I havea  very good general knowledge as well as a good knowledge of things that I have a special interest in like Marine Biology.

Talking about negative people, I even had some local, cheeky kids come to our door and give me a go in my own doorway, for homeschooling!  They were telling me in a very rude way that I was never going to get into college (like they know) and telling me I am wierd and an idiot for homeschooling.  They come and harrass me in my own house.

I just looked at them because they really don't know much so its not really worth explaining to the as they don't listen. It goes right over their heads.

They asked what languages I am learning and I said English, French, German, Afrikaans, Dutch, Zulu and they said I am useless unless I speak Gaelic, as they say I can't get into college without it.  That is so not true! 

It just goes to show how ignorant some people are.  I really learn loads more than them and I have even been to their school so I know how little they are learning in all their subjects compared to me!

I was tempted to say something in gaelic to them but kept it to myself he he  Little do they know, that I can speak a bit of Gaelic too!  Sometimes they swear at us in Gaelic and I understand eactly what they are saying!

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