Saturday, 30 October 2010

How to carve a Neep Lantern

Today there is a competition for Neep Lanterns - so we rushed out to buy 2 x huge Neeps (Turnips) and now we are busy planning how we are going to carve them.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Riddle: What am I

If I appear  once in every minute,
twice in every moment
but not even once in a hundred thousand years,
what am I?

Post your answers in the comment box.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Halloween Pumpkins

This guy is an e- art teacher and his designs are really awesome.  Check them out!

Heres easy instructions on how to carve pumkins

We were looking for unusual pumpkins ideas for our halloween pumpkin and there are some really unusual ones on Youtube.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Halloween Games

Try out this game - Halloween Tripeaks - its nice and eerie and there more halloween games on the same site...

Monday, 25 October 2010

Criteria for life....

Is a rock made of cells?

You might think that this is a dum question, because my mom thought so.

Firstly she said, does it conform to the criteria for life (Which I did a while back....)

Still I think its a worthy question.

Here is a good link I found of someone else who also found the need to look into this and some other people also asked this on the internet so there!

Well of course the answer is NO.

Did you know?

Facts about the UK

The total land area is 244820km squared.

The UK has over 12000 miles of coastline.

There are 5000 rivers.

The highest point is Ben Nevis @ 1344m.

The lowest point = Fens @ -4m.

There are 874 miles between John o'Groats to Land's End.


Did you know that your body is made up of between 50 trillion and 100 trillion cells?

The world of Geography (Revision) - Letts
The world of Science (Revision) - Letts

Friday, 22 October 2010

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Music: Keyboard - Ode to Joy

This is a really excellent website. I am busy learning this tune on my keyboard and it helped me a lot. It shows the sheet music, the section of keyboard with option of showing the note names. You can play the tune and watch the sheet music. The individual notes flash as they play. Its brilliant¬

An interesting thing is that my keyboard has a facility that 'teaches' one how to play a few tunes but the keyboard was showing the tune in E and the link shows the tune in B.

It sounds better in B, really but wonder if the keyboard is showing the tune wrong or what?

So, here is me playing 'Ode to Joy' on my keyboard for a handful of tries. Don't expect much because I just started and I have not practiced it - just, just learnt to play it about 5 minutes ago. I'll do a better version later and some of the others I have been learning.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

How many words can you find?

Post your words in the comments section.


  1. No 1 or 2 letter words
  2. No plurals
  3. Use each letter only once
  4. No repeats
  5. Post your words as a comment so we can post the combined solution tomorrow.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Phew, this folded rose is difficult


Well we have been making these things all day! We made boats with 2 sails, turtles, swans, rabbits and miniatures of each. (For miniatures, make squares out of the strip left over from the photocopy paper).

The miniatures were a big hit and we have had a lot of visitors all day coming and going and wanting to see what we are doing.

OK, so who can get this rose right. We got a lot of the way and then it was too much adn getting dark so we gave up, at least for now.

I thought this was very funny...

It does look pretty but its hysterical to fold toilet paper.

Its more well known as paper serviette folding, and that seems more hygienic but here it is anyway:

Paper folding is good for you and teaches you lots of things

I was quite amazed to read that Paper folding - Origami is very educational i.e. develops lots of skills.

Even though you don't realise it, you are learning as you are doing a fun thing. Things that one develops, when you are doing Origami:
  • Eye hand co-ordination
  • Creativity
  • Following directions i.e. Read vs. understand skills
  • Attention
  • Manual dexterity
  • Patience
  • Temporal spatial skills
  • Reasoning
  • Visual motor skills
  • Processing Skills
  • Maths concepts (Geometry, proportion, measurement, symmetry, fractions)
  • Cultural studies (Oriental)
Paper folding is also good for adults as its relaxing. It also helps people recovering from hand injuries regain their control over their hand movements and helps build muscles.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Rainy weather during the holidays

We had loads of fun today making these:

Paper Chain Dolls

This is a cute idea that someone has done with the circular paper dolls:

Here's another blog with paper chain dolls on it:

Beginner planes are:

  • Arrow
  • Delta
  • Dart
  • Condor
  • Dragonfly
Then you can move onto these:
  • Bullet
  • Raptor
  • Spade
  • Canard
This site has the best diagram for a simple dart plane

Look at the space shuttle paper plane:

Look at this site to print, fold and fly paper planes -

Learn all about
  • Lift
  • Gravity
  • Thrust
  • Drag
More science and paper planes -

There is a simple dart plane near the bottom of this page (see link) that is easy to make and flies really well (Nose not folded in) - it also has a lot of science info if you want to look at that too.

Paper boats
We had a quick look at paper boats and made a couple of these

Friday, 15 October 2010

Holiday Beachcombing

We have had excellent weather for our October break - 'school holidays'. With the blue sunny skies, no clouds and no wind - its be awesome. We have spend hours on the beaches each day with family and friends.

Check out my beachcombing blog:

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Official School Holidays.

My little sister is on school holidays so I am on homeschool holidays ;)

Something for little primaries to do if the weather is bad during school holidays is this site.

Painted pebbles:
UpToTen - Boowa and Kwala : Painting pebbles

On screen mosiac
UpToTen - Boowa and Kwala : Pebble mosaic

There is quite a few other things to do on this site for little primaries, if you click on the right icons ;)

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Maths: Find the treasure using co-ordinates

Follow the pirates instructions by entering co-ordinates for the map and you will help find the treasure. If your right, you might even get some of the treasure.


X marks the spot.

Maths: Geometry - Rotation

This is really helpful. You can use this interactive tool to rotate 3 different shapes by various degrees. You can even change the point of rotation - and then it shows you step-by-step how the shape rotates (Each point moving in a circle/arc around the centre).

Symmetry Artist - Mathematics and Art together!

Check this out - it cool....

Maths: Transformations

Here is a Powerpoint presentation explaining transformations:

Maths: Geometry - Transformations

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Arbitrary quadrilaterals: experiment with the applet below


There is quadrilateral present at the outset. Its shape can be modified by dragging its vertices. The buttons "Copy" and "Copy and rotate" help create copies if that basic shape. All so created polygons are draggable.


There are 6 kinds of quadrilaterals. I have made six different quadrilateral tessellation images.

  1. Kite
  2. Parallelogram
  3. Rectangle
  4. Rhombus
  5. Square
  6. Trapezoid


Maths Question: What commonly used item is actually a square tessellation?

Write your answers in the comments area ;)

Maths: Do all quadrilaterals tessellate?

Maths: Do all quadrilaterals tessellate?

Here are some related links:

Here is the link page for Maths (Age 12 and under)

Here is another one I did that's a rhombus.


In geometry, a rhombus or rhomb is a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length. The rhombus is often called a diamond, after the diamonds suit in playing cards, or a lozenge, though the latter sometimes refers specifically to a rhombus with a 45° angle.

Every rhombus is a parallelogram, and a rhombus with right angles is a square.


Monday, 4 October 2010

Jane Solo

Here is a little book that I am busy illustrating. Its about 2 cute little girls.

Adventure of Jane Solo and Julie Lilah

Friday, 1 October 2010

HALLOWEEN /All Hallows' Eve/All Saints' Eve/Samhain

Here are some links for info on an ancient celtic festival Samhain and how it turned into Halloween...

Here is a fun site with lots of scary things for little brothers and sisters to do:

Make a skeleton, Enter a haunted house, Magic Spells, Trick or Treat, Story Maker, Halloween Quizz

My Homeschool Blog as a word cloud

This is so cool. Such a fantasic website:

Have some fun and see what you come up with ;)

Maths: Cubed numbers

CUBED NUMBERS are when a whole number is x by itself and then x by itself again.


What is the smallest squared number that is also a cubed number?
Answers in the comments area ;)

Maths Revision: Square Roots

Yay, calculator work :)

The SQUARE ROOT of a number is usually found using a calculator. Type 144 and then the square root sign = 12.

Its so easy. Any number multiplied by itself is the same as saying that number squared.

To get the sqare root of a number you need to find out which number is multiplied by itself.

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144