Wednesday, 20 October 2010

How many words can you find?

Post your words in the comments section.


  1. No 1 or 2 letter words
  2. No plurals
  3. Use each letter only once
  4. No repeats
  5. Post your words as a comment so we can post the combined solution tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Able, Ace, Act, Apostle, Apt, Asp, Ate, Bale, Base, Bat, Bate, Beast, Beat, Belt, Best, Bet, Bleat, Bloat, Boast, Boat, Bole, Bolt, Cab, Cape, Case, Cast, Castle, Cat, Celt, Clasp, Cleat, Close, Coal, Coast, Coat, Colt, Cost, Cot, East, Eat, Lace, Last, Late, Leap, Lest, Let, Lobe, Lope, Lose, Oast, Pace, Pale, Palest, Pat, Pea, Peal, Peat, Pelt, Pet, Place, Pleat, Poet, Pole, POLECATS, Pose, Post, Sable, Sale, Salt, Sea, Seal, Seat, Sect, Set, Slab, Slope, Soap, Sob, Sole, Space, Spalt, Stable, Stale, Staple, Steal, Step, Stoat, Stole, Table, Talc, Tale, Tape, Tea, Teal, Toast, Toe = 96 words
