Monday 27 September 2010

Touch typing

I am doing quite well on the home row and the top row.

The first excercises to practice when learning a new letter are quite boring but its the best way to learn.

It goes something like this:

aqa aqa asa aqa aaa qqq

If you type 3 rows of each exercise its easy to see if they line up (No mistakes). If they don't line up then you are making mistakes and need to go slower and concentrate more.

Its all about checking your fingers are on the right keys and then looking only at your exercises not your keyboard or your screen. This trains your brain to remember where the keys and letters are just by your fingers being in the right position.

Obviously if your fingers are not in the right place when you start then you just type garbage. That's quite funny if you have typed a whole lot and did not notice when you started that something was wrong ;)

There are a lot of words you can type using just those two rows! Its quite fun.

There is a website I use after my own practising, to test my mistakes (accuracy) and speed. - I have nearly finished all the exercises in Lesson 2 already with no errors!

I think by the end of this week I will be done with the bottom row as well :)

Here are some words I have been practising:

slow till lilt quail tight yell will those feathers lake pope police hope slope

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