Monday 20 September 2010

Learning to type

I am learning to touch type.

I write a lot on my blogs and am also writing a book so it will help me a lot.

Touch Typing means that you learn which keys to press without looking at your keyboard. By practising repetitive exercises everyday, you train your brain to remember which fingers are supposed to press which keys.

I have already learnt the home row last week.

The left hand pressed asdfg and the right hand presses ;lkjh.

You can try it yourself:

Place your fingers as follows: little finger left hand on a. Then each finger in sequence on s d and f. The finger that we all learn in the rhyme as 'Peter Pointer' presses both f and g.

The same for the right hand. Your right little finger goes on ; and then the other fingers in sequence on l and k and j. The Peter Pointer of your right hand presses both the j and h.

These keys: asdfg and ;lkjh are known as the HOME KEYS and where your fingers rest when they are not pressing other keys. They always return to their home keys.

The practice exercises go something like this

aaa asa aaa asa aaa asa aaa x 3
sss sds sss sds sss sds aaa x 3

as you can see they are repetitive but very simple. It trains you to remember which finger is for which key. You first check your hands are above the right keys and then you only look at the exercises. You only look at your screen at the end. Then its easy to see your mistakes and which ones need more practice.

Today I was learning r.

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