Tuesday 14 September 2010

Learning to play the keyboard

I have a keyboard and I've been meaning to learn how to play it for a while. Because we are very isolated, there are not any local tutors or anything so its been a bit...

Today I decided to have a look at Youtube.

Have a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGEeBFdGwdg

So that's his opinion and it sounds pretty cool, but other people use the white keys.

Here's one that teaches you to play an easy tune. I watched the video clip and wrote down the keys he pressed and the sequence. then I tried it on my keyboard. So cool.

Try it yourself:


Yes I know that one should play by reading music but in the absence of a piano tutor, its pretty fun to figure it out playing easy keys.

I have some scales to practice to develop my hand co-ordination and can already read music and I have learnt to play the fiddle but this keyboard thing I want to do this way. It's more interactive and interesting. So over a few sessions, we will see what I come up with :)

Anyone who's got some interesting links, feel free to jot me a note using the comments :)

I also found these websites:

They give you a good idea of the other side of things

Cheers, I am off to play my keyboard...

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