Wednesday 29 September 2010

Landslides - Competition

There was a huge landslide in Mexico.

So today we decided to look at landslides. I will be doing a Powerpoint presentation and posting some good links.

I challenge other homeschoolers to post their own good quality presentation on landslides, before I do.

Post the links here in the comments section of where you published your presentation so we can all see it.

I use but you can use any publishing site you chose. Good luck

I will judge the first 5 entries that I receive and the winner will get a certificate :)

Get cracking. You've got until tomorrow, this time.

Here's a link to info on Scottish landslides
- STV news - Aug 2010

On the Struie road near Alness, after the storm of 26th October 2006

Here is a landslide in Italy in February this year

National Geographic - Landslides

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