Friday 24 September 2010

FRENCH: la or le

In French all nouns (Naming words) like horse (le cheval) or car (la voiture) are masculine or feminine.

The french word for the is le for masculine nouns and la for feminine nouns.

If a noun begins with a vowel (sometimes h) then le or la is shortened to l'.

Some examples:

kitchen = la cuisine
knife = le couteau
horse = le cheval
apple = la pomme
car = la voture
cat = le chat
flower = la fleur
pig = le cochon
ice cream= la glace
bicycle = la bicyclette
boat = le bateua
bottom = le derriere
balls = la balle
book = le livre

The french for the if you are talking about more than one (Plural) is les for both masculine and feminine nouns.

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