Wednesday 25 August 2010

Some other homeschoolers blogs

These home-schooling blogs are worldwide as there is no need to restrict homeschoolers to their own countries education system.

Other blogs are useful for seeing other peoples experiences be they better or worse than our own. Its also useful to see the links that other homeschooling families have posted and maybe you find something interesting.

If you find just one interesting link or post then thats a good thing for the day :)

Basically all children, worldwide should be learning the same types of things at certain ages, based also on their capability.

A good tip is to look through the older posts on blogs, as they have a lot of info on. (Don't just look at the first page and then close the window) :

So by the end of this excerice you may find that you are doing better than other homeschoolers or that you have a lot to do.

You might have heard the term un-schooling and need to look into what that means and if you think it will work for you.

Personally I really enjoy homeschooling and like the mix of my books, the internet and then a little un-schooling. By our un-schooling I mean that there might be something I want to learn about thats not part of what we are doing. Sometimes we put what we are doing on hold and go for what I want to learn about and sometimes we put what I want to learn about on the list for later. Its a good mix.

I do know some families that "unschool" everyday, totally....... and the kids just dont get around to any learning ever, (they just goof off all the time and misbehave).

I also know some families who obsessively work to a schedule. Either way either parents or kids or both get bored. So a good mix works well.

Variety is the spice of life and keeps the interest going.

Home schooling is a journey, enjoy the ride, not just the destination.

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