Tuesday 24 August 2010

The Essentials of Maths - Key Stage Two

I started on this book yesterday and did a few pages. The work was on decimals (Values, smallest to biggest and multiplication and division).

I only got stuck a couple of times but after some revision and explaining, I have it all in my head now.

The tricky bit for me was the smallest to biggest, and it was a bit confusing for some reason:

126.36, 126.4, 125.97, 126.08
125.97, 126.08, 126.36, 126.4

I also had a look at this website for extra practice: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/maths/number/decimals/read4.shtml

Its a good book, it catches your attention as its set out well and is colourful. The information and the way they set out the work is good.

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